You might think that being a man you can take care of yourself online and never find yourself in a dangerous situation. However, engaging with complete strangers online can have its perils regardless of your gender or sexual orientation. Reducing the risk of ever being caught in an unsettling situation is in fact quite easy and straight forward. We give you the checklist for staying safe on gay dating sites such as Naughty Gay Chat where you can connect with other gay men worldwide through naughty gay chatroom and naught gay webcams.
Give out as little personal info as possible when just starting to chat with someone. Never volunteer your full name or address. If you want to talk on phone to them ask them for their number first and ring with your own number blocked. If that initial conversation goes well consider sharing your own number. Never give your credit card details – there is absolutely no reason why anyone who is looking for a hot chat would ask you about those.
Stay emotionally safe. Make sure that both you and the person you chat to know what the mutual expectations are. Set the boundaries and rules together and agree on them. It will help you avoid any potential heartbreak and unwanted emotional attachment.
Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself what it is that you are looking for and if this is the right place to meet your needs. It is very different wanting a casual cyber encounter with someone you are attracted to and wanting a committed, more stable relationship.
Get to know the person you are chatting to as well as possible. Try to establish whether this person’s intentions are genuine and whether they are who they claim to be. Ask them questions and take heed of any warning sight. Listen to your gut feeling and if your instincts tell you that something does not check out walk away. You might ever discreetly ask around about them and confirm your own conclusions.
Do not engage in online gossip. Gay men have a reputation of loving to spread rumours and slag their former partners. Rise above it and keep to yourself everything that is said or done to you. You will see that respect and confidentiality are returned with even more respect and confidentiality.
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